Friday, December 16, 2005

Sounds Fischy! (But This is a Good Fischy)

I've come across a few new things this morning that I'd love to share with y'all. A friend of mine sent me an article from a website called The Fischtank and today I read it and delved into the contents of the site, which is written by a musician and author named John Fischer. It has various news, tidbits, and thoughts to ponder. So far my favorites are his Articles and In The Tank thoughts, both of which can be commented on. The said article is called Fearless Faith and is an excerpt from his book of the same name. He's written some useful and thought-provoking articles that I think I'll enjoy for a long time to come, so I've placed a link to his homepage under my "Stuff I Read."


Vagabondsoul said...

I wonder where you got this from.... ;)

Michelle said...

Oh, some guy.... I can't remember his name... Vag- Vaga - .... not sure anymore. He's got impeccable taste, though. ;)