Friday, January 12, 2007

In Memory of a Wonderful Exchange

Rudy's blog has been home to a number of insightful comments between him, Joy, and myself in the last few days. Witness the wisdom and hilarity.

A quote to summarize:
You haven't had a night 'til you've had a Mennonite.


Alanna Latham said...

Wanna hear something funny? I thought that you would find this funny but I wasn't sure about putting it on my blog...Michael's a big fan of Benny Benassi who does dance/house music. Something like that. Anyways, he's coming to Grande Prairie and Michael wanted something for him to sign so he found a magazine on ebay and ordered it. It was in french and coming from France and arrived while he was out on location, so while we were on the phone he told me to open it. I opened it and looked inside the cover and there's this picture of a naked guy lying on his stomach. So I'm like oh, that's weird - maybe french magazines are just different than us. Then immediately below that is another ad (these are both half page ads) with guys and then I notice two of them are kissing - so while I'm describing this to Michael he's freaking out - and sure enough, as I page through there are numerous rainbows, men in various poses and the word GAY sprinkled throughout. So now he's all upset because he doesn't want Benny Benassi to think he's gay if he gets him to sign the magazine. I couldn't stop laughing but Michael didn't find it as funny as I did.

Michelle said...

ha, that's hilarious!

Unknown said...

Tag!! (see my blog for the details)

Love you,