Thursday, June 23, 2005

A Lot of Pretty Things

Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen? At first glance, perhaps, but read on. It was a "Find of the Week" a few weeks back on Cool website, really... makes me want to pick up other people's garbage and analyze it.

The author of the note is probably a boy, and has made a cute gesture of writing the "o" in "to" as a heart, if that was intentional. What I'm wondering though, is if he is going to buy the pretty things and offer them to his girl (or the girl he wants to be his) with premeditated shyness, then is it really so shy? It seems he wants to do it to appear shy and that he really likes her, but then why would he tip her off to this fact? Why tell her beforehand? He might as well say, "I want to give you a gift and appear shy as I do it so that you'll think it took a lot of courage for me to give it to you... but really it doesn't take that much courage because I'm telling you about it before it even happens. This is all part of an elaborate ploy to get you to like me... isn't that smart for an eight-year old?" And if the girl isn't as smart as the boy, maybe she'll think this note is the cutest thing she's ever seen.


Michelle said...

I'll be the first to comment on my own post. I'd be happy to receive a lot of pretty things that were shyly given one at a time from a boy... elaborate ploy or not.

J Man said...

You see, it's actually a double-ploy.
The boy really is shy, and is quite nervous about showing his feelings for the girl. However, he knows that a boy being nervous isn't cool, and that girls only like cool guys. So, he gives her the note, letting her know his intentions - showing her that he likes her, and isn't afraid to show it; and, that him being shy about giving her the gifts isn't a sign of weekness, but a sign of his tender (yet manly) heart.

Therefore, the girl melts like wax on a sunny window sill.
Way to go, Boy!