Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Lisa, on the possibility of adopting a retired Greyhound dog

"I think it would be ugly enough to be able to love if it was my own. "


J Man said...

How old is a groundhog at retirement age? How long do they stick around after announcing the weather to the world? What else is there for a groundhog to do? Poor, ugly, old buck-toothed buggers.

Jenn said...

Dearest...I'm not sure you read that correctly. She is not trying to adopt a groundhog, but a greyhound dog. Methinks your brain is fried.

Love, Jenn

J Man said...

Oops! If we're talking Greyhounds, then that's something completely different. They're so messed up after leaving the life on the track. They think they can walk on water... actually, it's more like they don't know that they'll sink! It'd be like adopting a teen from the nuthouse. Sure it's a great act of compassion, but think about how you're going to raise it. It's already been wired for craziness for so many years - how do you get them to unlearn it all?

Like they say, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

Vagabondsoul said...

I once had the ugliest dog in the world. It was not a Greyhound, but it did have a face and body only a Master could love.