Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The No Good, Very Bad Day (by Colleen)

"We’re getting a new security system here, but this morning when we came in, the installers had activated it already when they shouldn’t have, so the people on my side didn’t get into our offices til after 10am.

Then I discovered that my underwear was inside out. I feel like a 5 year old. Wouldn’t have been so bad if I was wearing cotton, but I’m not."


Vagabondsoul said...

Think on the bright side: at least you remembered to put on underwear. It could be worse.

J Man said...

Don't tell anyone, but I quite frequently put my undies on backward... the cool thing is with the fly hole in the back, I can pinch a loaf w/o taking them off!

Michelle said...

Thanks, Jason. Gross.