Thursday, July 28, 2005

Famine in West Africa

It was two days ago that I first learned about the famine in Niger and surrounding countries. Not through the news (paper, tv, online or otherwise), but from someone else's blog and finally through the BBC World News. Famine in Niger? What famine in Niger? Oxfam estimates 3.6 million people are now facing starvation and CNN is now reporting this today, months after Niger appealed to the UN for aid after a locust plague and drought.

I found out about this famine the same day I ate a Skor Blizzard from Dairy Queen, and I know that I've been given the means to afford to buy Blizzards on occasion, but I still felt guilty and knew I had to do something. Because really, as wealthy as movie stars and other celebrities look to me and how I sometimes think, 'Hey, share the wealth,' I am that wealthy person to these people in West Africa and I can share the wealth. So I did today. I hope you'll do the same.

Go to and scroll down to the bottom for one guy's take on it.

But more importantly, go to and do something about it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Because You All Want to Hear More About TomKat...

Ok friends, for every one who's interested in Tom's descent into madness and how weird his relationship with Katie Holmes is (as if we need proof)...

You'll find Freaky Tom Facts, great quotes by Tom on Tom, Tom on Katie, Tom on Brooke Shields, Tom on Psychiatry, and other wonderfully laughable nuttiness. And for a sweet little Tom Cruise haiku (which I'd better not publish here in case the Scientologists find me and audit me to death), scroll to just over halfway down the home page.

As for how brainswashed Katie herself is, take a peek at this enlightening interview....

It all adds up to more freaky deakyness than you can shake a stick at.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

a little something from Tigerlily...

On Sympatico's Site of the Day there's a hobbit (and elf) name generator, so I've inputed the names of some of my friends, and voila! Here's mine: Tigerlily Trample of Wooden End (but you can call me Tigerlily for short... or Tiger I guess.... rowrrr.....).

Lisa: Ruby Danderfluff of Willowbottom
John: Olo Danderfluff of Willowbottom
Joy: Pearl Deepdelver
Jenn: Myrtle Hamwich of Buckleberry Fern
Jason: Olo Gamwich of the Bree Gamwiches
Colleen: Orangeblossom Trample of Woody End
Shauna: Ruby Gamgee-Whitfurrows
Heidi: Belba Burrows
Elizabeth: Peony Hamwich of Buckleberry Fern
Warren: Mungo Hamwich of Buckleberry Fern
Alissa: Rosie-Posie Gamwich of the Bree Gamwiches

Monday, July 11, 2005

I Want a Big Mac, McDLT, a Quarter Pounder With Cheese (sing it!)

I frequently want to know the McDonald's daily "McDeal" sandwich special on days that I don't go home for supper before my evening plans begin. But because it can be hard to remember, I'm posting it here for a handy reference for myself and others. And it's a list! (Note to self: stay away on Mondays and Fridays!) Most of them aren't bad burgers for $1.79... if you don't mind G or H quality beef.... yummmmm..... aren't you tempted now?

Mondays: Big Extra
Tuesdays: Big Mac
Wednesdays: McChicken
Thursdays: Two Cheeseburgers
Fridays: Filet O' Fish
Saturdays: Double Cheeseburger
Sundays: Quarter Pounder with Cheese

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Favorite Quotes by Friends and Family, a List

"Not that I was a dumb child, but I never understood Dominoes when I was little."

Heidi, in McDonalds:

"We were all dating jerks at that time... let's get some chicken nuggets."

Joy, experiencing road rage on our trip to the States:

"Come on you guys! I don't want to brake... your necks." (to a monster truck)

"We were doing so good... I mean, I don't want people to be unsafe, but just get outta my way!"

Colleen, having forgotten to wear a belt:

"I've been having trouble keeping my pants on lately."

Noel, on his habits behind the wheel:

"I drive erotic."

More to be added when I remember them! Ask me sometime about our unintentional puns... I'm not sure I should publish them here... hehe

Steve Martin, on being one of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People

It's very hard being one of the most beautiful people. Having this kind of beauty is actually a burden. Sometimes I go to a party and not one of the other 49 most beautiful people is there. That makes me feel very solitary and alone, because it means I am the most beautiful person in the room.

If I'm going to a party where I know there will be 'less-beautiful people,' I try to 'dress down' in order to hide my beauty. But this seems to have a counter-effect of actually making me more beautiful. I guess me and dungarees are a pretty potent combination.

I try not to lord my beauty over others. This is very hard. I try not to mention that I am one of the most beautiful people, but somehow it always comes out. I will usually only bring it up when I'm asked to do a task, like open a garage door. People seem to enjoy my beauty and are genuinely happy for me, because after I mention it they always say, 'How nice for you.'