Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Favorite Quotes by Friends and Family, a List

"Not that I was a dumb child, but I never understood Dominoes when I was little."

Heidi, in McDonalds:

"We were all dating jerks at that time... let's get some chicken nuggets."

Joy, experiencing road rage on our trip to the States:

"Come on you guys! I don't want to brake... your necks." (to a monster truck)

"We were doing so good... I mean, I don't want people to be unsafe, but just get outta my way!"

Colleen, having forgotten to wear a belt:

"I've been having trouble keeping my pants on lately."

Noel, on his habits behind the wheel:

"I drive erotic."

More to be added when I remember them! Ask me sometime about our unintentional puns... I'm not sure I should publish them here... hehe


J Man said...

You know, you're not just funny at night... or is that what you're saying - that you're funny during the day, but only sometimes at night?

Michelle said...

What a wonderful compliment! Thank you! I meant that I can be particularly funny at night, or at least I think so... people don't usually tell me I am, so I have to tell myself.

J Man said...

My new mentor just taught me about a great way to make "To Do" lists. He says, don't just make a "To Do" list, make it a "Choose To Do" List. That way you'll do what you want, and the rest is either unimportant, or is deligated to someone else! I like it!

Vagabondsoul said...

Make a list of "done" list...that way, you can look at it all day and say, "See? I've already done my duties." and can slack the rest of the day.