Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Because You All Want to Hear More About TomKat...

Ok friends, for every one who's interested in Tom's descent into madness and how weird his relationship with Katie Holmes is (as if we need proof)...


You'll find Freaky Tom Facts, great quotes by Tom on Tom, Tom on Katie, Tom on Brooke Shields, Tom on Psychiatry, and other wonderfully laughable nuttiness. And for a sweet little Tom Cruise haiku (which I'd better not publish here in case the Scientologists find me and audit me to death), scroll to just over halfway down the home page.

As for how brainswashed Katie herself is, take a peek at this enlightening interview....


It all adds up to more freaky deakyness than you can shake a stick at.


J Man said...

What a crazy couple! I have to admit that I haven't been paying any attention, really, to the whole TomKat mania. However, after reading some of those articles, I've got to say that the relationship seems quite bizaar.

I do like how you can put their names together like that, tho - TomKat... heh!

JJenn... doesn't have the same ring, does it?

Michelle said...

Do you like hot food? Because if you do, you could call yourself Cajun JJenn... now THAT has a cool ring to it.

Jenn said...

We could just call ourselves Jenn, but tell people that I borrowed the J from Jason. How about that?

Jenn (that would be the original Jenn)

Vagabondsoul said...

This guy is a fruitcake!